Friday, June 5, 2009


The sudden unexpected death of a healthy individual undergoing minor surgery is a tragedy almost beyond comprehension in this day of modern medical miracles. Yet this still happens to patients susceptible to malignant hyperthermia (MH). Even when treated properly, the syndrome known as the MH crisis can cause death. In rare cases, survivors might be left with brain damage, failed kidneys, muscle damage or impaired function of other major organs.

Another cause of unexpected death during or shortly after anesthesia is a sudden cardiac arrest in a young male patient with muscular dystrophy. In some cases the patient may not be old enough to show the characteristic signs of muscle weakness. The anesthesia care team may therefore not realize that the patient may develop a marked increase in potassium in the blood sufficient to stop the heart when anesthetized. This phenomenon occurs with the use of drugs that "trigger MH," but the syndrome is distinct and different from MH. Another sign of this reaction is severe muscle breakdown manifested by brown urine and kidney failure. (See below: Are There Links Between MH and Other Diseases?)

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