Monday, April 20, 2009

Health plan vs. health insurance

Historically, HMOs tended to use the term "health plan", while commercial insurance companies used the term "health insurance". A health plan can also refer to a subscription-based medical care arrangement offered through HMOs, preferred provider organizations, or point of service plans. These plans are similar to pre-paid dental, pre-paid legal, and pre-paid vision plans. Pre-paid health plans typically pay for a fixed number of services (for instance, $300 in preventive care, a certain number of days of hospice care or care in a skilled nursing facility, a fixed number of home health visits, a fixed number of spinal manipulation charges, etc.) The services offered are usually at the discretion of a utilization review nurse who is often contracted through the managed care entity providing the subscription health plan. This determination may be made either prior to or after hospital admission (concurrent utilization review).

Health insurance

The term health insurance is generally used to describe a form of insurance that pays for medical expenses. It is sometimes used more broadly to include insurance covering disability or long-term nursing or custodial care needs. It may be provided through a government-sponsored social insurance program, or from private insurance companies. It may be purchased on a group basis (e.g., by a firm to cover its employees) or purchased by individual consumers. In each case, the covered groups or individuals pay premiums or taxes to help protect themselves from high or unexpected healthcare expenses. Similar benefits paying for medical expenses may also be provided through social welfare programs funded by the government.
By estimating the overall risk of healthcare expenses, a routine finance structure (such as a monthly premium or annual tax) can be developed, ensuring that money is available to pay for the healthcare benefits specified in the insurance agreement. The benefit is administered by a central organization such as a government agency, private business, or not-for-profit entity

New HIV/AIDS Cases Increase in Minnesota

The Minnesota Department of Health just released their HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report for 2008. The report documents 326 new cases of HIV infection reported last year – one new case every 27 hours. I’ve been following these reports since 1986 – the year my first friend tested positive for HIV.
The early years of the AIDS epidemic were horrific for my friends who were diagnosed in the 1980s. Some lost their jobs and their homes and filed for bankruptcy. Most became estranged from family members. For others, their religious leaders abandoned – and sometimes condemned – them. Many did not live to see the introduction of life-sustaining anti-retroviral medications.
But the 326 Minnesotans who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS last year have to confront something that my friends, who are now long dead, never had to deal with. These individuals became positive decades after we learned what behaviors cause the transmission of HIV and how to prevent becoming infected. With the general public today there seems to be little sympathy – and perhaps no empathy – for those who have recently become infected with HIV. After all, new rates of HIV infection could be dramatically reduced if everyone followed the ABC model of AIDS prevention: Abstain, Be faithful, and use Condoms. Like all diseases that have a behavioral component, however, it just isn’t that black and white.
As my 88-year-old mother says, you only need look at all the unplanned children in the world to see that abstinence alone doesn’t work – not as a form of birth control and not as an effective method of reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Monogamy is effective – but only if both partners practice it. Condoms work. They prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Still, some men resist using them and the cost and availability of female condoms have made this option less accessible for women.
There are factors, unrelated to education and outreach efforts, which contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS. The use of alcohol and drugs can cloud ones judgment and result in high risk behaviors. Young people often view themselves as immune from bad things ever happening to them and consequently take chances. Others think that the medical advances in the treatment of HIV/AIDS make this a manageable disease. They are under the false impression that if you contract the disease you just take a pill and go on with your life as normal.
But there is another underlying issue that some people who have been newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS have talked with me about, and it has to do with self-esteem. Time and again, women and men of varying age, race and sexual orientation, have told me that a negative self-image – feelings of worthlessness, isolation, and deep loneliness – translated into them engaging in sexual behavior that resulted in them contracting HIV. Immediate human contact, sometimes with the possibility (or fantasy) of a relationship, made engaging in unprotected sex a risk worth taking for some.
Now, I’m not so naive as to believe that if every person was self-actualized that we would see the elimination of HIV/AIDS. I am suggesting, however, that as long as there are people – who intentionally or unintentionally – tell individuals or groups of people that they matter less than others, or that they don’t matter at all; we shouldn’t be surprised if next year’s surveillance report shows yet another increase in new HIV/AIDS cases in Minnesota.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nurition for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time for nutritional adjustments. For women who already eat a balanced diet with plenty of breads and grain, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and some meat or protein, the adjustments won’t be dramatic.

The foods expectant mothers should be eating more of are breads and cereals, and those which should be eaten less are fats, oils and sweets.

Approximately 50% to 60% of expectant mother’s diets will come from carbohydrates, 20% to 30% from fats, and 15% to 20% from proteins.

Pregnant women are often concerned about gaining too much weight. If you’re eating sensibly, most of the weight you are gaining is the baby - for most women its about 40 percent of the weight they gain. An average weight gain is between 10 and 12 kilos if your weight before your pregnancy was healthy.

Tips For Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

  • Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice, dried beans and peas, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, not only supply needed energy but are good sources of fiber as well. Increasing fiber intake may help prevent constipation.
  • The artificial sweeteners - cyclamate and saccharin - are not recommended for use during in pregnancy. Foods or beverages containing other sweeteners are not recommended during pregnancy if they take the place of more nutritious foods. If you do choose to use foods or beverages containing sweeteners, aspartame (Equal or Nutrasweet) and sucralose (Splenda) may be taken in moderation as a substitute for sugar or honey. You should not have more than 4 packages of these sweeteners or 2 cans of diet beverages in a day.

  • The source of protein is just as important as the protein itself. Absorption of iron from proteins (meat) is more complete than that from plants(green leafy vegetables and lentils). Meat, fish, and poultry are rich sources of protein. When following a vegetarian diet, legumes (lentils/daal), grains (wheat, rice) and dairy foods can help maximize protein intake.
  • The consumption of fats, oils, and sweets should be moderate through- out pregnancy. That means no excessive fried food, chips, chocolates, pizza, or cream cakes, etc.
  • If you feel hungry between meals, you can munch on low calorie food like fresh salad vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, etc.)
  • Limit your intake of caffeine-containing beverages (like coffee, tea or cola).
  • If you have nausea during your pregnancy, try to eat 5 to 6 small meals per day. Cold foods and drinks may be easier to tolerate than hot items. Sometimes it helps to drink beverages 30 - 60 minutes after eating solid foods. Eat slowly and relax after meals.
  • An expectant mother should also plan to drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day. In hot and humid climates, women are urged to drink water regularly even if they don’t feel thirsty. It will help keep energy levels up and the chances of developing dehydration down.
  • Getting enough fluids is also a concern for women who experience vomiting during pregnancy. Fortunately, morning sickness is rarely severe enough to harm the developing fetus. Morning sickness usually doesn’t last much past the end of the first trimester.( Pregnancy is divided into three intervals of three months each. "The first trimester" means the first three months of pregnancy.)
  • Limit your intake of caffeine-containing beverages (like coffee, tea or cola) to one to two cups a day.
  • A prenatal vitamin designed to supplement the intake of vitamins and minerals is often recommended during pregnancy. Adequate levels of some nutrients, such as iron and folic acid, are often difficult to meet from diet alone. But these should only be taken at your doctor's advice.
  • Nutrition during pregnancy is a matter of balance. Every bite counts during pregnancy. A weight gain of 10 to 12 kilos is recommended during pregnancy. But many women will may gain more. One thing to keep in mind is that the more weight you gain during pregnancy the harder it will be for you to lose it after the baby is born. Most women will gain about one to two kilos during the first trimester, although some will stay the same or even lose some weight until morning sickness passes. A weekly gain of half a kilo during the second and third trimesters is common as the baby grows faster
  • Best Ways to Burn More Fat

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    1. Eat a Pre Exercise Snack
    If you eat a low-carbohydrate snack exactly 90 minutes (i.e. one and half hours) before you start exercise, it will help you to exercise longer and harder (and burn more calories) than you normally would. However, it is necessary that this interval should be exactly 90 minutes. If you eat any closer to your exercise/workout, the blood will go to your stomach to help digest food, and this will diminish your performance.

    2. Breathe through the Nose
    Breathing in and out through your nose, rather than your mouth, helps stabilize the heart rate and increases your endurance/stamina. As a result you can work out longer and burn more calories. But it might feel un-natural at first. I will take a couple of weeks for you to feel comfortable breathing through your nose while doing exercise.

    3. Do Aerobic Exercises Last
    Do weight training before doing any aerobics (cardio). The reason is that it takes the body about 15 minutes to warm up and start burning fat. So, while you are doing a 30-minute aerobic exercise like jogging, it is really only burning fat for the last 15 minutes of your workout. But, if you lift weights first, your body is warmed up by the time you start jogging, and you'll burn fat throughout jogging.

    4. Include Variety in Exercise
    If you do the same kind of exercise every day, your body gets used to it and it does not burn as much fat as it used to with the same exercise. So if you jog one day, try bicycling or swimming the next. Or, if you start weight-training from your upper body one day, begin with your lower body the next day.

    5. Do Not take support
    If you lean on the treadmill handles or the stationary bike handles for support when you are tired, it will inhibit the amount of oxygen your body can take in, and slows your fat-burning process. The handles are there to help you balance, not to support you. If you can't move without holding on, slow down.

    6. Train in Intervals
    The best way to burn fat is to work out as hard as you can for as long as you can. But, if you're just starting to exercise, interval training will benefit you. Do 2 minutes on the treadmill at fast speed, followed by two minutes at slower speed, then back to high speed. Continue this for 20 to 45 minutes. Same method can be used with jogging and bicycling. This will burn away your fat and build your stamina/endurance. Gradually, you'll be able to do high-intensity periods for longer (and decrease the low ones) until your whole workout is done at top speed.

    7. Add Light Weight
    The more muscle tone you have, the more calories you burn - even when you're sitting still. So, if you can't seem to find time to weight-train as well do your aerobics, lifting light weights with hands will improve fat burning. So lift your arms up and down and bend and straighten your elbows while holding two- to three-pound weights when you're fast-walking or stair-climbing. This will build muscle tone, helping you shed more fat during your cardio workout than you would without the weights.

    Monday, April 6, 2009


    Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organsusually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of


    asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure.People in the occupations such as construction jobs in shipyards, insulators, boilermakers, etc. are at the risk of contracting asbestos disease.The 2 common types of mesothelioma are:Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs).The survival time for a patient with diffuse malignant mesothelioma is from 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Mesothelioma is also difficult to diagnose.The chance of recovery for a patient with mesothelioma depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and his response to the treatment.

    Mesothelioma Treatment

    A diagnosis of mesothelioma is always difficult, whether it is pleural mesothelioma or another variety. Because this is such an aggressive and stubborn form of cancer, patients and their families may have a difficult time addressing the issue of treatment, but because options for mesothelioma patients are steadily increasing, the discussion of treatment is quite important, even if all hope seems lost.Each mesothelioma case is considered individually and there is no right or wrong treatment for the disease. What's best for you or your loved one will depend on a number of factors. Diagnostic tools such as x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and biopsies will be used to determine these factors and these tests will assist the doctor and/or oncologist in determining the best treatment for the patient in question.

    What are the Options?

    Cancer treatment usually focuses upon destroying malignant cells and preserving healthy ones. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. At present, mesothelioma patients are faced with three major options for treatment of their disease - surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. What course of treatment is recommended will largely depend on these issues


    Surgery can be performed on mesothelioma patients for one of two reasons: in an attempt to cure the disease or for palliative reasons in order to keep the patient more comfortable and improve the quality of life. Unfortunately, because mesothelioma is almost always diagnosed in its late stages, curative surgery is not usually an option.As tests are developed that may help to diagnose mesothelioma at an earlier stage, surgery may become more of an option in the future. At that point, doctors may be able to attempt to remove the cancer and some of the surrounding tissue in an attempt to stabilize the disease.More often, however, surgery is used as a palliative measure. For example, doctors may opt for a surgery called a pleurodesis, which involves injecting talc into the lungs to prevent fluid from returning. A thoracentesis, a surgical procedure that removes fluid from the lungs by means of a thin needle, may also be recommended.In severe cases, a pleurectomy may be recommended for palliative purposes. This involves removing the pleura - the lining of the lung - and can control fluid build-up and lessen pain and breathing difficulties.

    Radiation Therapy

    If a patients health is too fragile for surgery or chemotherapy, radiation is often recommended. Radiation causes the fewest side effects and is usually easier to tolerate than chemo. There are a few different forms of radiation therapy available to meso patients:

    External beam radiation - the preferred type to treat mesothelioma, this type of radiation comes from a machine outside the body and is aimed toward affected areas. Usually administered 5-days-a-week for up to 5 weeks, this type of radiation is often used for palliative purposes - to lessen breathing difficulties, pain, bleeding, or difficulty swallowing - but seldom has much of an effect on the mesothelioma tumors. This type of radiation may also be used in addition to surgery.


    Clinical Trials

    Clinical trials are the study of promising new treatments for a particular disease. These trials are constantly in need of patients who are willing to try these experimental treatments before they are approved by the FDA. Patients should speak to their doctors about current clinical trials available to them and if they might qualify to be a part of a particular study. Those opting to participate in a clinical trial should carefully weigh the pros and cons before agreeing to participate.

    References: American Cancer Society: Detailed Guide: Maligant Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

    American Cancer Society: Detailed Guide: Malignant Mesothelioma Radiation Therapy

    American Cancer Society: Detailed Guide: Malignant Mesothelioma Surgery

    Catalano, A., et al. "Experimental Therapy of Malignant Mesothelioma: New Perspectives from Ant-Angiogenic Treatments" Pub Med. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology. 2004 May;(2):101-9.

    What is HIV

    AIDS is a medical condition. People develop AIDS because HIV has damaged their natural defences against disease.

    What is HIV?

    HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
    HIV is a virus. Viruses infect the cells that make up the human body and replicate (make new copies of themselves) within those cells. A virus can also damage human cells, which is one of the things that can make a person ill.
    HIV can be passed from one person to another. Someone can become infected with HIV through contact with the bodily fluids of someone who already has HIV.
    HIV stands for the 'Human Immunodeficiency Virus'. Someone who is diagnosed as infected with HIV is said to be 'HIV+' or 'HIV positive'.

    Why is HIV dangerous?

    The immune system is a group of cells and organs that protect your body by fighting disease. The human immune system usually finds and kills viruses fairly quickly.
    So if the body's immune system attacks and kills viruses, what's the problem?
    Different viruses attack different parts of the body - some may attack the skin, others the lungs, and so on. The common cold is caused by a virus. What makes HIV so dangerous is that it attacks the immune system itself - the very thing that would normally get rid of a virus. It particularly attacks a special type of immune system cell known as a CD4 lymphocyte.
    HIV has a number of tricks that help it to evade the body's defences, including very rapid mutation. This means that once HIV has taken hold, the immune system can never fully get rid of it.
    There isn't any way to tell just by looking if someone's been infected by HIV. In fact a person infected with HIV may look and feel perfectly well for many years and may not know that they are infected. But as the person's immune system weakens they become increasingly vulnerable to illnesses, many of which they would previously have fought off easily.
    The only reliable way to tell whether someone has HIV is for them to take a blood test,which can detect infection from a few weeks after the virus first entered the body


    Meditation opens up your mind, makes you identify yourself and is a great form of exercise. Meditation has many benefits; it reduces depression, increases alertness, lowers high blood pressure, and makes you feel fresh and beautiful. People who meditate handle stress better and live longer. Studies have shown that stress can cause a variety of physiological and physical problems, from insomnia to anxiety and pain to weakened immunity. There is, however, increasing evidence that if we can reduce the stress in our lives, we can improve our mental and physical health. Thus meditation is a means by which you can reduce stress in your life.

    How to get started:

    First of all find a quiet place where no one can disturb you. The room must be free of telephone ringing, radios, kids screaming and any other noise.

    You can either sit on a chair or lie flat on your back with your arms on your side. If you sit in a chair, you should sit up straight so that your spinal cord is perpendicular with the floor and the ceiling. However most experienced meditators suggest sitting in a comfortable position rather than lying down-if you get too relaxed you might just fall asleep.

    Sit comfortably, with your eyes shut (the usual choice); half-shut, or open-as long as they aren't focused on anything that can distract you. You might want to start with about 5 minutes at first, gradually building up to, say 20 minutes twice a day.

    Now, that you have positioned yourself, you should take three deep breaths to relax. After the three breaths, start counting your breaths, count one inhale and one exhale as one. The next inhale and exhale as two, when you get to four, start over with one and proceed again to four, and so on. This will keep you focussed and your mind will not wander.

    Concentrate on your breathing, as much as you can, coz the object of meditation is to clear your mind. You will notice that the more you try to clear your mind, the harder it will be. Do no try too hard; instead of trying to fight your thoughts, just let them flow through your mind. Whenever you find your mind wandering after a passing thought, gently and lovingly escort your attention back to your breath, your anchor. Keeping you mind clear is not easy, a lot of thoughts will come in, that is the power of the mind, which is for you to control it.

    When your time is up, sit quietly for a few seconds more to let yourself adjust your attention away from your breath to the world around you. Gently stretch your fingers and toes, and get up slowly. Now enjoy the relaxed feeling of inner peace as you go about your day. You'll have a whole new outlook on life

    Heart Disease

    Despite the way it sounds, the term "heart failure" simply means that your heart isn't pumping blood as well as
    it should. Heart failure doesn't mean your heart has stopped working or that you are having a heart attack
    (but, people with heart failure often have had a heart attack in the past). Heart failure is also called congestive heart failure, or CHF. "Congestive" means fluid is building up in the body because the heart isn't pumping properly.

    What causes heart failure?

    Heart failure has many different causes. Sometimes the exact cause can't be found. The most common causes of heart failure are listed below:

    • Coronary artery disease (narrowing of the blood vessels to the heart)
    • Problems with the heart muscle itself (known as cardiomyopathy)
    • High blood pressure (also known as hypertension)
    • Problems with any of the heart valves
    • Abnormal heart rhythms (also called arrythmias)
    • Toxic substances (such as alcohol abuse)
    • Congenital heart disease (a heart problem you were born with)
    • Diabetes
    • Thyroid problems

    What are the symptoms of heart failure?

    Some people with heart failure have few problems or symptoms. The following is a list of problems that people with heart failure might have
    Shortness of breath (perhaps when walking or climbing stairs)

    • Shortness of breath when lying down flat in bed
    • Waking up in the night, suddenly breathless
    • General tiredness or weakness
    • Swelling of the legs (usually just the feet or ankles)
    • Rapid weight gain (1 or 2 pounds a day for 3 days in a row)
    • Chronic cough

    Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms, especially if you've had heart problems before

    Saturday, April 4, 2009

    Tips for healthy hair

    • • Massage well with a warm herbal oil at least twice a week.

    • • Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair.

    • • Rinse your hair with one tablespoon baking soda mixed with one cup of water to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

    • • Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.
    • • Follow a diet rich in zinc.

    • • Use a mild shampoo and avoid harsh ones since the chemicals in them can strip hair of its outer protein layer, further drying the scalp.

    • • 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water will give your hair shine and bounce.

    • • Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest are probably the best way to achieving.

    • •Do not use or try to avoid use of electric curlers and hair dryers.

    • What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

    Tips For Perfect Body Shape

    Fashion aside, body type can be classified into three basic groups:
    Ectomorphs: are the slender people of the world. These people are normally tall and thin. They hardly develop muscles and do not gain weight, whatever they eat.
    Mesomorphs: are strong and muscular most models and sprots enthusiasts belong to this group.
    Endomorphs: are stout and well covered with flesh. They easily gain weight and are often obese and soft. There is also another way to categorize the body type. In order to fund your body type, the angle between the sets of ribs has to observe.
    If it is very narrow the body is small boned. If it is wider then it is medium boned. If it is very wide it is larger boned.
    Light boned girls have hip measurement larger than the bust. Small boned girls do not gain weight easily as their basal metabolic rate is very high.
    The medium boned girl is physically an athletic type, even though she may not play games or have not any interest in sports. Her legs are l0ng and waist small, but hip measurement will be smaller than her bust. This group usually does not have weight problems.
    The heavy boned girl has small bust but her waist is big and she usually has heavy hips and thighs. She has a tendency to gain weight and very slow metabolic rate.
    What ever body type you have, it is worth remembering that you can improve your look through good posture and muscle tone, also its heartening to note that perceptions are changing.
    Weight is one of the indicator for perfection of the body. Overeating and lethargic habits are main cause of obesity. Exercise is important too. Join a fitness club or take a brisk walk of 35 minutes four times a week to keep fit. You should try to do exercise like crunches that focus on specific part of the body.
    What ever your body type, apple or pear, ectomorph mesomorph or endomorph you can look graceful if your look is proportionate and maintain good posture. It should keep in mind that external beauty is the reflection of your inner self. A beautiful woman radiates from within: her complexion glows and her shiny eyes. There is always an observable rhythm in her movements. Being perfect is not what you should try to achieve , being at your best is far better.

    Easy skin care tips

    • • Take 1/3-cup cocoa, three teaspoons of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This is best for oily skin
    • • For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don't be alarmed if your skin tingles.
    • • Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin.
    • • Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturizer for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.
    • • A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
    • • Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin glow.
    • • For removing facial hair. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week.
    • • Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.
    • • Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling oily shine.
    • • For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
    • • For glowing skin, use basin or green gram powder mixed with milk instead of soap.
    • • Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.
    • • Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.
    • • Mix 1 table spoon of barley powder with half teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply it on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
    • • Mix vinegar and rose water in equal quantities and apply.
    • • For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
    • • For a fair skin, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and wash off.

    Health Tips in Urdu

    Tips To Burn Fats

    Start Exercising

    The first thing you should do in the morning to have some cardiac work out for at least half an hour. Studies have shown that having some aerobics as well as anaerobic (low impact aerobics, weight lifting, circuit training, swimming and walking) exercises in the morning, to be really effective in burning up to 4x more fat as opposed to working out at any other time during the day. Here's lies the reason:
    Your body's main source of energy is the carbohydrates, which you get from eating your daily meals. As you sleep at night for 6-8 hours, your body burns up all those carbohydrates as energy for various metabolic functions that go on even while you sleep. So, when you wake up in the morning, your body doesn't have any carbohydrates as energy to use as it’s already been consumed by then and it seeks another source to gain energy instead, so it starts burning body fat.
    So to utilize this cycle of the body, what you need is to take exercise early in the morning. Avoid eating breakfast because that will give your body some carbohydrates as a source of energy, which you don't need at that time.
    It has other advantages too. Your metabolism gets revved up immediately after your morning workout. It will keep the metabolism elevated throughout the day. An elevated metabolism throughout the day means that you'll have to burn more and more calories and thus lose more weight. If you exercise at night you may still burn fat while you workout but as soon as you go to sleep your metabolism will slow down and you'll miss out on all the extra fat that you can burn during the day. When you sleep your metabolic rate is always at its slowest. Also working out in the morning definitely reduces your level of stress throughout the day.

    Having Breakfast is a stipulation.

    Another way to keep your metabolism revved up all day long is to have breakfast without miss. Eating breakfast in the morning gets your metabolism started. Don't skip breakfast and wait until mid-morning or afternoon to eat, your metabolism will run slower causing you not burn any extra fat.
    You can think this way-Your metabolism is a fireplace that'll burn fat for you all day long if you can operate it correctly. When you eat breakfast you are basically adding a catalyst to aggravate the burning of the Fat.
    Eating breakfast will help stop those cravings you may have later on in the day and along with working out in the morning, eating breakfast will also keep you energized throughout the day.

    Health Definition

    1. Move your Body
    Find new ways every day to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Chase your kids, Walk your dog, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool; it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better!

    2. Cut the Fat
    Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat versions. Most are available in lower fat versions.

    3. Reduce Stress
    Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. Exercise is a great stress reducer; walk on the beach or in a park. Soak in a hot tub; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting irritated. Avoid difficult people when possible. . Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds…. then float on them.

    4. Drink plenty of water:
    Drink plenty of water daily. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Drink 2-4 glasses of water in morning before lunch. It all makes your stomach good in work, skin glow and you would not have any problem of kidneys.

    5. Stop Smoking
    All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.

    6. Reduce your exposure to Pollution
    Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.

    7. Wear Your Seat Belt
    Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.

    8. Floss Your Teeth
    Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your Real Age as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't?

    9. Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
    There's a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing!

    Daily Health Tasks

    Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis. The following is a guide to daily tasks:

    Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.

    Protect your skin. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.

    Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other processed foods.

    Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.

    Find your spiritual self. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and satisfies your soul.

    Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.

    Drink 6-8 glasses of water.

    Hug your kids, parents or family members.

    Easy Tips to Lose Weight

    1. Start out slowly but steadily:
    One of the biggest problems people encounter when starting a fitness program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an overly ambitious fitness program. Attempting to do too much too fast is worse than doing nothing at all! Because then you feel like exercise is too hard and it is just not for you.
    Start out slow, maybe just shooting for 1 or 2 workouts a week. Once you have successfully added that to your normal routine, then attempt to slowly add to your fitness program. Plus, most people do not need to exercise more than 3-4 times a week. That does not mean you can not exercise more; it is just not necessary.

    2.Design a detailed plan and set attainable targets:
    Always have a detailed plan! In order to reach your health and fitness goals, you must have a road map to follow. With a well thought out plan you are much more likely to be successful!
    Set realistic, attainable targets. You must have tangible, quantifiable, short and long-term goals so you can measure and assess your progress. Too many people have totally unrealistic expectations of what to expect from an exercise and nutrition program. The best way for you to understand what is realistic and attainable is to talk with fitness professional, not to buy into the “hype” of infomercial and diet and fitness products that are blatantly misleading.

    3.Maintain a journal:
    Keep a journal! This is one of the most important things you can do. If you are not tracking what you are doing, how will you know what worked? You should keep track of all your exercise and also each day’s food intake.

    4.Take out time for exercises:
    You must be accountable! Set exercise appointments with yourself if you are not working with a personal fitness trainer. Use your appointment book to set aside times for exercise, just like you do for meetings or events. Do not let things get in the way. Nothing is more important than your health! If you do not have your health you can not effectively do anything. Mothers often say that they can not find time to exercise because they have to take care of their children. Its really hard but whatever your situation is, making the commitment to exercise and your health ARE possible, and very important. Plus, it sets a great example for the children

    5.Fit physically; Act perfectly:
    Remember the benefits of exercise. Being physically fit affects every aspect of your life: you sleep better, eat better, love better, overcome stress better, work better, communicate better, and live better! Remember how good it feels to finish a workout, and how great it feels to meet your goals!

    6. Exercise safely and correctly:
    So much time is wasted doing, at best, unproductive exercise, or at worst, dangerous exercise. Educate yourself on how to exercise correctly. It could be for just a few sessions to learn the basics, or it could be for a few months to learn everything. It’s completely up to you. But statistics prove that those who understand how to exercise correctly get better, faster results.

    7. Enjoy your exercise:
    For example, if you hate doing strength training, try to find ways to make it more enjoyable. The key is you should enjoy it, and if you don't you need to look for other exercises or activities to replace whatever it is you don't enjoy.
    If you don't enjoy it, how do you expect to stick with it?

    8. Make time to stretch:
    It has so much benefit and takes very little time. So many people suffer from various aches and pains of which most can be eliminated by basic stretches! Try to spend at least 5 minutes after each workout stretching.

    9.Make your eating habits good:
    Do not think you need to exercise 5 days a week! Many people feel they are getting fat because they are not exercising. Totally not the case! Exercise is not the answer! It is all in your eating habits. However, exercise can aid in burning body fat, plus there are numerous health benefits. Think of exercise as a bonus.
    First look at your eating habits, such as: when you eat, what you eat, how much you eat, where you eat, and how often you eat.
    Never skip breakfast, or any meal! If you want to maximize your fitness or fat-loss efforts you have got to eat breakfast! So many people skip breakfast, and it is the worst thing you could ever do when it comes to fat-loss. Skipping meals throws your blood sugar all out of whack and it sets you up to store your next meal as fat, almost guaranteed!

    10. Eat fat to lose fat:
    Healthy fats are necessary to your body for numerous reasons: regulating hormonal production, improving immune function, lowering total cholesterol, and providing the basics for healthy hair, nails, and skin.
    The key is to eat the right types of fats. The “good’ fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and avocados, to name a few. The “bad” fats are partially hydrogenated oils, and trans fats. Most processed foods contain large amounts of these bad fats.

    11. Drink plenty of fresh, clean water:

    The recommended daily intake of water is 8 glasses, or 64 oz. You should even be drinking even more if you are active or exercise regularly.
    And no, soda, juice, coffee, and tea DO NOT count! Nearly every chemical process place in your body, takes place in water! Proper blood flow and digestion are both affected by how much water you drink, and poor blood flow and digestion can be linked to numerous health conditions.

    12. Stabilize your blood sugar:
    If you want to burn fat and prevent your body from putting it back on, you must stabilize your blood sugar. In order to do this you need to eat small, balanced meals or snacks every 2-3 hours.
    Fasting, skipping meals, and overly restrictive diets will enable you to lose weight – in the short run. The weight you lose is primarily water weight and muscle tissue, and in the long run has opposite effect of what you want. When you restrict your diet, your body instinctively thinks it’s being starved and shifts into a protective mode by slowing down the metabolism and storing nearly all calories as body fat. Plus, losing muscle tissue is the last thing you want to do. Muscle burns calories, even while you sleep. You should be focused on increasing, or at least maintaining muscle tissue.

    13. Focus on increasing muscle tissue:
    Muscle burns calories, so if you want to increase your metabolism, you have to increase your muscle. The best way to do that is with progressive strength training. That doesn't mean you have to join a gym, buy expensive fitness equipment, or follow some bodybuilding workout program; it simply means you need to challenge your muscles! You can do that at home in just 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a week

    Tips for Healthy Heart

    To reduce risk of heart attack, eat healthy and low fat diet. Develop a pattern of eating that will stomach without damaging your heart, but sometimes its hard to figure out which food is good for us.
    Try to cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol.If you have a family history of high cholesterol or you have a diagnosed high blood cholesterol level, you should take a more vigorous approach to your diet.

    Food with High Fats & Cholesterol:

    Saturated fat increases your blood cholesterol level more than anything else in your diet; Most of the saturated fat you eat probably comes from animal products.
    Dairy products made from whole milk -- including butter, cheese, milk, cream, and ice cream -- and the fat in meat and poultry skin contain very high amounts of saturated fat.
    There are also some vegetables that are high in saturated fats, including coconut oil, cocoa butter, palm kernel oil, and palm oil.

    What to Eat:

    Instead of meats like sausage, bacon, and processed high-fat cold cuts, eat fish, poultry, and leaner cuts of meat, but be sure to remove the fat and skin before eating. It's ok to eat up to six ounces of these daily. You should also cut down on organ meats, such as liver, kidney, and brains.
    Replace butter with margarine (the softer the less saturated fat) or vegetable oil. Drink skim or one percent milk instead of whole milk and eat nonfat or low-fat cheese and yogurt. Substituting egg whites, which are cholesterol and fat free, for whole eggs or egg yolks will also help improve your heart health.
    The way you prepare your food also affects its nutritional value. It's better to boil, bake, roast, or poach your foods than to fry them. Vegetable oils are great to use instead of butter for sautéing vegetables.
    You should try to eat six to 11 servings daily of breads, three to five daily servings of vegetables; two to four daily fruits servings; cereals, rice, and pasta; two to three servings daily of milk, yogurt, and cheese; and two to three servings daily of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans and peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

    Your diet should focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains cereals, breads, rice, and pasta. With a little effort, you can start cooking up healthy and delicious meals in no time.
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