1. Eat a Pre Exercise Snack
If you eat a low-carbohydrate snack exactly 90 minutes (i.e. one and half hours) before you start exercise, it will help you to exercise longer and harder (and burn more calories) than you normally would. However, it is necessary that this interval should be exactly 90 minutes. If you eat any closer to your exercise/workout, the blood will go to your stomach to help digest food, and this will diminish your performance.
2. Breathe through the Nose
Breathing in and out through your nose, rather than your mouth, helps stabilize the heart rate and increases your endurance/stamina. As a result you can work out longer and burn more calories. But it might feel un-natural at first. I will take a couple of weeks for you to feel comfortable breathing through your nose while doing exercise.
3. Do Aerobic Exercises Last
Do weight training before doing any aerobics (cardio). The reason is that it takes the body about 15 minutes to warm up and start burning fat. So, while you are doing a 30-minute aerobic exercise like jogging, it is really only burning fat for the last 15 minutes of your workout. But, if you lift weights first, your body is warmed up by the time you start jogging, and you'll burn fat throughout jogging.
4. Include Variety in Exercise
If you do the same kind of exercise every day, your body gets used to it and it does not burn as much fat as it used to with the same exercise. So if you jog one day, try bicycling or swimming the next. Or, if you start weight-training from your upper body one day, begin with your lower body the next day.
5. Do Not take support
If you lean on the treadmill handles or the stationary bike handles for support when you are tired, it will inhibit the amount of oxygen your body can take in, and slows your fat-burning process. The handles are there to help you balance, not to support you. If you can't move without holding on, slow down.
6. Train in Intervals
The best way to burn fat is to work out as hard as you can for as long as you can. But, if you're just starting to exercise, interval training will benefit you. Do 2 minutes on the treadmill at fast speed, followed by two minutes at slower speed, then back to high speed. Continue this for 20 to 45 minutes. Same method can be used with jogging and bicycling. This will burn away your fat and build your stamina/endurance. Gradually, you'll be able to do high-intensity periods for longer (and decrease the low ones) until your whole workout is done at top speed.
7. Add Light Weight
The more muscle tone you have, the more calories you burn - even when you're sitting still. So, if you can't seem to find time to weight-train as well do your aerobics, lifting light weights with hands will improve fat burning. So lift your arms up and down and bend and straighten your elbows while holding two- to three-pound weights when you're fast-walking or stair-climbing. This will build muscle tone, helping you shed more fat during your cardio workout than you would without the weights.
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